Equestrian Life Coaching
"While it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing." - Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender

My Mission as an Equestrian Life Coach
I help horse lovers who are dealing with physical health issues accomplish their equestrian goals while working towards healing their bodies mentally and physically.
What is a Life Coach?
A life coach is a professional who helps people develop, set, and reach goals in their life in order to gain greater fulfillment.
Well then, what is an Equestrian Life Coach?
As I thought over my skills and time in the horse world, I realized many equestrians would come to me to ask for help with their horses. But at the same time many were dealing with health issues and looking for support so as to not be dealing with their physical and mental pain alone.
For many years I dealt with awful stomach issues that made it hard to ride or be mentally healthy around my horses. I knew immediately I never wanted anyone else to do what I did alone! This was when Equestrian Life Coaching jumped into my mind!
Equestrian Life Coaching focuses on helping and supporting horse lovers who are dealing with physical health issues accomplish their equestrian goals and work towards healing their bodies mentally and physically.
Many other professionals do not understand the amount of time we put into our horses, how much energy mentally and physically we use while being with them, how much they are intertwined in our lives, or how they make us who we are. I absolutely get that and feel that so strongly! I am here to help you when life is getting tough and physical/mental pain is blocking you from moving forward with your horse and life! No matter if you are a beginner or a pro I can help you and support you on your journey!
If you are not an equestrian...
You are so welcomed to come work with me! If something on my page or in my videos stuck out to you and you felt drawn to work with me, please reach out! We all need to support each other right now. The world is tough, but there is so much we can do to help each other feel strong and resilient!
Areas I focus in general:
Finding life purpose
Rebuilding confidence (it is never gone!)
Reframing the mind
Understanding emotions through IFS (Internal Family Systems)
Decision making
Mental Clarity
Supporting and rebuilding strength due to stomach issues and undiagnosed health issues
Resources for healing
Equine areas I focus on:
Horse care/health
Natural Horsemanship
Navigating the horse world to find what you want for yourself and your horse
Strengthening the relationship between horse and human
Troubleshooting training issues
Overcoming anxiety and mental blocks
It does not matter if you feel stuck or just want another perspective, I am here to help and guide you!