Ahhh what a great question! Well let's start off with me!

Helloooo! My name is Ashley Lorinsky! I am passionate about helping the earth, love working with animals, miss eating cakes, pastries, and general gluten food (I have celiac disease), and a forever knowledge seeker! My life journey has taken me all over the place but the one part of my life that was always running parallel to my life journey was my horse journey!
When I started riding when I was young, I was taught the old fashioned training method. Kick, slap, growl, yell to force the horse to do what you want. I hated every second of it and many of those times I became scared because I could tell my horse was getting rightfully pissed! But I did not really understand the other methods out there. OR the trainers would say those other methods are crap, just to keep us coming back to them since my family and I did not know much about horse training! Ugh!
It wasn't until after I graduated college and worked at therapeutic barn where they held a natural horsemanship clinic that changed everything and made my brain ecstatic! Not gonna lie I though it was going to be a phooey and crap! And definitely went in a little smug but boy did that go down fast!

The clinic focused on understanding horse behavior and how to work with the horse depending on what they were showing at that moment. I saw amazing changes in a short period to some of harder to handle horses and my brain immediately went "That is what I want!" After the clinic I started studying horse behavior and it took my on a journey all over the place!
Sometimes it was challenging and I would become frustrated and cry. Sometimes I even felt lost and felt like giving up, but my horse and seeing others around me needing help pulled me back in to the journey. Along the way I got the chance to work with some amazing trainers, behaviorists and horses! But even though they were all amazing, there were definitely times I did not agree with what they were teaching or felt they were still doing force just in a manner that looked nice. But even with that I learned how to take bits and pieces from everyone and use it to help my horses and other horses! From my journeys, I am now working on completing my certification with the International Association of Animal Behaviorists!
So do you think you know what Horse Chit Chat is yet? Keep reading!!

So you may be saying, "Ohhh Horse Chit Chat! is horse behavior consulting!" And you would be partially correct! Yes I offer horse behavior consulting (virtually and in person) and riding lessons focused on horse behavior (only for those living near me, sorry I don't have a portal to take me to you)! BUT Horse Chit Chat still has a few other parts I cannot wait to share with you!
Watch out for the next parts!